Mass Save Update for Builders
The New Residential Construction Program continues be popular with builders paying an average of $1,700 to builders for new single-family homes and about $900 for multifamily units.
Air Tight Insight
Your Monthly News & Update
Air Tight Insight is a regular e-newsletter that goes out to builders, architects, building inspectors, building materials suppliers, and consultants. Its main purpose is to provide updates on the energy code, rebate programs, and upcoming events. It also has relevant articles on current topics having to do with residential construction and building science.
MA Energy Code: Build it Tight and Ventilate Right
Happy New Year! We hope you find this update useful and informative. Airtight Insight is intended to keep builders, renovators, code officials, and architects up to date on utility sponsored incentives and rebate changes as well as let everyone know of upcoming events. Relevant articles on the MA Energy Code and building science will also be featured.
MA Code Update – A Perfect Storm for Builders to Exceed Code and Save
Heat pump incentives now make Zero Net Energy Homes a slam dunk in Massachusetts. The Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (MA DOER) recently came out with powerful incentives for high efficiency air source heat pumps that highly encourage their use in Massachusetts. They are called Alternative Energy Certificates (AEC) and work in a similar way to the popular Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SREC). The small air source heat pumps do not require metering and pull forward 10 years of quarterly AECs into one payment to the buyer shortly after installation. This makes the program user friendly and very attractive financially.
Strategic Electrification Initiative
Heat pump incentives now make Zero Net Energy Homes a slam dunk in Massachusetts. The Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (MA DOER) recently came out with powerful incentives for high efficiency air source heat pumps that highly encourage their use in Massachusetts. They are called Alternative Energy Certificates (AEC) and work in a similar way to the popular Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SREC). The small air source heat pumps do not require metering and pull forward 10 years of quarterly AECs into one payment to the buyer shortly after installation. This makes the program user friendly and very attractive financially.
2018 MA Code Update
Happy New Year! The extremely cold start of the New Year certainly highlights the importance of energy efficiency and the need for comfort under worst case conditions. We hope you find this update useful and informative. Air Tight Insight is a publication of Ace Energy Services, Inc. (a HERS Rating [...]
Ventilation – The Case for Two Fans
Warm greetings! Christmas is fast approaching, and the cold weather is here. We hope you find this update useful and informative. Air Tight Insight is a publication of Ace Energy Services, Inc. (a HERS Rating and energy code certification services company) and 3ACH50 Inc. (specializing in cost-effec [...]
Building Code: Project MGMT + Mass Save Update
Happy September! We can celebrate one of the lowest energy consumption months of the year in New England when there is little need for AC, heating is not needed, and the daylight is still long saving on electricity. Air Tight Insight is a publication of Ace Energy Services, Inc. (a HERS Rating and e [...]